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Gong Meditation – A new experience for the elderly

It has been a massively interesting week of Gonging and also a brand new experience for me.

I had an opportunity to introduce gong at a sheltered housing complex for elderly and disabled people. The group were between the ages of 80 and 91.

There is no doubt that there is something extra special about witnessing new people experience gong for the first time. It was awesome to see an elderly man, an MS sufferer who had never ever meditated or been in to anything remotely spiritual before but this guy, he just got it ! He said that he struggled to settle in for the first 5 minutes or so and then when he LET GO (his exact words) that was it for him. He could not believe that he drifted off to a space he had never been to before. I mean this man just loved it , he got it big time. Just goes to show that when we Let Go, magic happens.

Later in the week  I was part of a surprise 40th birthday gift of a gong bath. How lucky am I, I just love surprises and to be part of the surprise was awesome. Loved it and I now have a repeat booking for their friends.

I feel so truly blessed to do what I do and what I love.

London Gong at Sun and Moon Festival August 2016

sun and moon banner

Hot off the Press News

As I am sat here on a cold winters night having received our first snowfall here in London, I am dreaming of the long warm sunny Festival season 🙂

Really so very excited to have just confirmed that I will be at the fabulous Sun and Moon Festival in August.


A super Family  Wellbeing Festival 14th – 21st August at Plumpton College near Brighton. Perfect for those of you who are not good campers as you can book accommodation.

Here is the link to the main website

Here is a link to the booking form with a £5 discount off adult 7 day entrance.

This was a brand new festival last year and several of my friends rated it as one of their favourite alternative festivals in 2015.

I will be offering group gong baths. If you are at the Festie, please pop over and say Hi, or better still come along to one of our group Gong Baths.

If you would really like to treat yourself whilst you are there, I will be taking bookings for individual sessions.

Please get in touch if you would like further information on booking a private treatment at Sun and Moon.

Click to Contact me