Tag Archives: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Gong and sound baths can help with ADHD

I just last week blogged about an experience I had during a corporate gong bath session whereby a participant, a young guy shared with me that he had ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. He had just fully experienced total relaxation and release from his very busy head space. A first for him! Rather than repeat myself now, you can read about that experience at Corporate Gong and Sound baths in London

I was so moved that I mentioned that I may look at ways to reach out to people with ADHD to come along and try a gong and sound bath.

I guess the universe has heard my call. On Saturday I had 3 lovely ladies come to my session. After the session I mentioned that gong can be beneficial to people with ADHD and 3 ladies shared with me that they too had ADHD.

I have received a lovely review from Jess, one of the ladies and one of the other ladies, Ayo, has been on TikTok talking about her experience.


I would love more people who find it really hard to relax, to let go, to focus, to sleep, to come and give this form of meditation a go.

We all know meditation is amazing for us and in meditation we learn techniques to help us to choose what we focus on (and it is often the breath, sometimes it may be a guided visualisation , a mantra ++) and in moving our focus to what we choose, it frees us from all the chatter and allows us to let go and relax deeply. We can then experience all the amazing benefits of meditation when we come away from our busy chattery heads however for some people that may feel like an impossible task and this is where the gong bath comes in to play. I am discovering that people with ADHD in particular can struggle to meditation. With the gong bath practice YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING, You do not need to know HOW, you can be a complete beginner to meditation and VOILA just like magic! the sounds can do all the hard work for you. Like a complete system reset. This is really extremely powerful!!

I aim to delve deeper in to working with sound healing for people with ADHD to see how I can help more. I know some people may be sound sensitive in which case it would need to be a more gentle type of session so maybe not my usual public sessions where participants like and expect the crescendos. The sounds of the gongs can get quite loud at times and most people go deeper in to relaxation as the volume goes up. For those of you who are sensitive to louder sounds you may find a singing bowl sound bath more suitable for you.

You can experience a gong and sound bath with Odette in London and St Leonards East Sussex.

Also available for private groups. Contact us for more info.

Gong bookings and calendar at https://bookwhen.com/londongong#focus=ev-s2by-20250322161500