Tag Archives: corporate meditation

Corporate Gong and Sound baths in London

It has been a very busy few weeks with no less than 3 corporate gong and sound baths in the city of London. From a legal firm team of solicitors to a global financial and recruitment firm. This practice is beneficial to everyone. All the sessions have been so well received and everyone has remarked on how great they feel afterwards.

It really is fantastic that sound healing and sound baths have hit the mainstream and found the way in to the corporate wellness world where it is so needed and the best tonic for high stress environments!! All the benefits of meditation without any need to know how or require any experience from the recipients.

This week just proved to me how I can turn almost any environment into a sound bath space from an open office to a lovely wellness studio, both very different but both incredibly powerful experiences for the participants.

Gong baths are beneficial for people with ADHD

Last week I ran a session for a global company. After the session a young man approached me to thank me as he had just experienced complete relaxation which was a new experience for him. He explained to me that he had ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) . He was completely blown away by the sound bath experience as nothing had worked for him prior to this. He had tried regular meditation which he had struggled with and here he simply lay down, listened to the sounds and BOOM the sounds and frequencies took him to that deep relaxation. I explained to him how the ever changing rhythms and ever changing sounds are just too much for our minds to make sense of , so eventually it gives up and relaxes just like magic!! I came away so filled with joy knowing how much of a difference my work had made to that young man. So so happy that he had just found something that worked for him that has the power to enrich his life and aid his wellbeing.

I was so moved that I am looking at ways to reach out to people with ADHD to come along and try a gong and sound bath.

The best results as with any form of meditation is with a regular practice. As lovely as it is to treat yourself to a sound bath you can benefit the most with a regular practice,

The good news is, this year I aim to work more with clients who really want to invest in their staff wellbeing with regular sound baths. Click to Contact London Gong to find out more.

Gong and Sound baths are known to have positive effects on the symptoms of stress. Perfect to help anyone who is suffering from insomnia, anxiety and/or stress related illnesses and indeed beneficial to us all. Many people report back as having had ‘the best night’s sleep’ the night after attending our sound baths and waking up feeling refreshed and re-energised. You can sometimes feel the benefits for several days after the session but the best results are always with regular sessions. Imagine having your staff feeling refreshed and energised ready to take on a busy week in the office.

London gong have over a decade of experience leading these sessions and we are highly trained, highly skilled and highly experienced in working with a corporate audience. In a field that is not regulated you know you can entrust your teams wellbeing with us, the experts. We are also fully insured.

We currently have a few spaces available for sound baths for Mental health awareness week in May but you will need to book in early.

Odette plays various instruments including Gongs, drum, singing bowls, native american flute +++ and sounds of nature!!

Contact us for more info.

For our public sessions, we are in London in Angel Islington on Saturdays. For our full calendar and to reserve a space please visit www.bookwhen.com/londongong/ As I am sure you can appreciate we are often fully booked so early booking is recommended.

Also available Gong bath gift vouchers

Every stressed out city worker needs a gong bath!

I was sent a very interesting article recently from a lawyer friend featured on thelawyer.com entitled “why every stressed out lawyer needs a gong bath” and they do as do other stressed out city workers. What is really needed is regular sessions though to totally benefit.

I had some recent feedback from one of my regulars who mentioned that this is what they need at work and thankfully this is just what I do although not enough of it just yet!  Can you imagine how beneficial it is to end a stressful day in the office with a gong bath, from the desk to the gong meditation space. This is totally a game changer for employees, for businesses, for staff health and well-being and of course productivity would benefit.

The beauty of the gong bath is that no experience or meditation knowledge or know how is required! All the benefits and none of the effort as the instruments do all the work! Deeply relaxing, and for some of my clients the only time they really truly feel completely relaxed, stress free and able to completely let go. Its pretty much like a system reboot for mind, body and soul.

I do believe things are changing but very slowly. One day every workplace will be taking care of their staff with regular gong baths in the office. Right now very forward thinking companies are doing just that! Slowly others are catching on and reaping the benefits ?? Are gong baths the new mindfulness?  Sharing many of the same benefits and more.

Be a forward thinking business who takes staff health, well-being and happiness seriously.  Happy and healthy staff take less time off and are more productive. This too helps to boost employee morale and makes for a pleasant office for everyone who visits or works there.

For regular sessions in your office or workplace in zone 1 get in touch. Preferable rates for a regular session plan.

click to Contact us by phone or email